Kuma: A Horrible Saturday Night

Monday, August 16, 2004

A Horrible Saturday Night

We were away Saturday afternoon and evening and therefore fed Kuma late. We didn't want to feed him before we left because we thought this might be part of the problem. Well, when Mike fed Kuma ... Kuma ran to Mike and "attacked" him. I'm using the word attack now because that is pretty much what it is. He got Mike's sock - didn't bite through. We ended up putting him in his crate because he was quite aggressive and not going to back down. Kuma refused to eat the rest of the night (we left his food down) and acted strangely. He also ate a good chunk of his wooden gate while we were away and late threw up his bedtime treat - not sure what to think of that.

It was sad because it was the worst episode for awhile. =(


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