Kuma: Kuma's breeder is a moron.

Monday, July 26, 2004

Kuma's breeder is a moron.

She hasn't been very helpful and I told her then real danger in using her suggestion of "picking up kuma by the cheeks so that he is at eye level" as a response to his episodes. I told her this would most likely lead to a bite.

She says, "My suggestion of picking a Shiba up by his chubby cheeks works every time and have yet to have been bitten. When you say any physical punishment leads to an escalation of behavior would be correct, because he is telling you he is alpha and he will win, not you and as soon as you leave him, that proves the point. A Shiba is a very confident, head strong and determined breed as to getting what they want, being treated the way they want and acting the was they want. A negative, has to be met with a negative fairly. The suggestion of spraying Kuma in the face may work."

My husband has already lost a chunk of his lip trying her "in his face" approach.


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