Kuma: One step forward, two steps back

Monday, August 09, 2004

One step forward, two steps back

We've had a few good days with Kuma now. He had a mild episode a few days ago but since then things have been pretty good.

We've been warming him up to the idea of being in his crate during the day - putting him in there when we are here and what not. We've also been doing this with him in the kitchen since we will likely want to put him in there sometimes.

The other night, Kuma went in his kennel and sat down and stayed for about a minute - this may seem small but it's a huge step for him! Today, I left him for about an hour in his crate with a Kong (we haven't been using these much b/c of his episodes) and videotaped him. He did wonderfully! He didn't even bark when I left which is a HUGE step. He only did some whining - I didn't see any barks. There was no struggle (he really struggles against the gate when we put him in the kitchen). He just finished his kong... did some circles and laid down. He didn't even bark when I got home either - he actually stayed seated in his crate and watched me.

It is really great to feel like some progress is being made. Granted, if one of us leaves, he goes in a freenzy, but this is a good step!

Feeling good today.....UNTIL

Well, Kuma just had an "episode" while I was doing some easy training with him. It was moderate in severity.

Just when I thought it was a good day... That hurts my feelings.

OY! The emotions!


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