Kuma: August 2004

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Another attack - this time strange

Well, all the attacks are strange in their own way but this time it was really strange. I put Kuma in his crate while I went to the rental office to grab some packages. I came home, hung around for about 15 minutes (doing the separation anxiety ignore) and let him out of his crate. When I decided to let him out, he appeared calm and was laying down.

When I let him out, he didn't come out right away which is strange. I watched him - he finally came out and layed down under the dining table but was fairly restless and he was being a bit weird. He hadn't eaten one of the treats I left for him - I wasn't sure what to do about that - I thought maybe he just hadn't had time to eat it since I was only gone for about 5 minutes. I also wasn't sure I wanted to grab it and put it away because he seemed so tense - so I left it. Since he was pacing a bit, I had my back to him a good amount of the time and that was making me nervous. So, I went and sat on the couch while he was laying down under the dining table.

I had been sitting down for about five minutes or so when Kuma came over and jumped up on the couch and sat VERY close to me (which is a sign something is going to go wrong). He's not allowed on the couch unless he's invited so I made him get off by pulling gently on his collar until he jumped off - he didn't put up a fight at this point. Then he attacked me - he bit my hand twice quite hard - left marks but didn't break the skin. I grabbed him by his scruff/collar and put him in his kennel. He fought the entire time and was trying to bite. I put him in his kennel and he stopped - I left him in there for about an hour because I wasn't ready to see how he'd act.

I let him out and put his gentle leader on - he's ok now... but being a little weird still.

Confined in the crate while eating - we did it!

We quickly made it to the point of closing the door behind Kuma while he eats in his crate. After he finished eating last night and this morning, he was visably tense and anxious... I'm not sure what he would have done if the crate door would have been opened. Both times, we waited until he relaxed and lays down - this can take awhile. Then we let him out of the crate - so far we haven't had any postponed episodes... so it may be working! I'm not sure if this is a long term solution or not - can we feed him enclosed in his crate for the rest of his life? Will he have episodes with other things (kongs, training, etc)....I'm not sure. It will be interesting to see how this works!

Friday, August 20, 2004

Working more on feeding in the crate...and another episode

We decided to take baby steps with feeding in the crate - just like you do when exposing a dog to a crate for the first time. So, we moved his bowls back further into the crate each meal and will eventually close the door on him.

This morning, Kuma ate his breakfast easily but when he was done he came into the kitchen where I was, watched me intently and then attacked me from behind - first grabbing the back of my knee (luckily I had pants on) and then carrying on. Mike came out of the bathroom and rescued me. I had Kuma by the scruff pretty good so he couldn't easily get to me but that hold wasn't going to last too long. Mike put Kuma in his kennel. It was very sad, of course.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

The feeding problems continue...

We tried to feed Kuma in his crate this morning - HAH! That didn't work well. He was very upset over it and was very tense. He eventually did eat the food though and we left it in the crate - so this is good.

We're thinking about trying new food - but I wonder if that's just avoiding the problem? I also am trying to get ahold of our vet to ask her for any suggestions.

We may go visit with some behaviorists from the Michigan Humane Society - to see if they will help us.


One day at a time.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Slow to eat breakfast

Kuma refused to eat breakfast for awhile this morning. I walked in the kitchen to grab some thing for Mike and he did the whole follow me around, sitting by me thing. I was worried he was going to have an episode... I eventually went to sit on the couch so he would leave me alone.

He ate when we came back from dropping Mike off at work.

I totally don't get him - it doesn't make sense. And, I'm not sure if we should be picking up his food when he refuses to eat - "too bad!"?


Today is going to be the first day with an increase day of Clomicalm.

Monday, August 16, 2004

A Horrible Saturday Night

We were away Saturday afternoon and evening and therefore fed Kuma late. We didn't want to feed him before we left because we thought this might be part of the problem. Well, when Mike fed Kuma ... Kuma ran to Mike and "attacked" him. I'm using the word attack now because that is pretty much what it is. He got Mike's sock - didn't bite through. We ended up putting him in his crate because he was quite aggressive and not going to back down. Kuma refused to eat the rest of the night (we left his food down) and acted strangely. He also ate a good chunk of his wooden gate while we were away and late threw up his bedtime treat - not sure what to think of that.

It was sad because it was the worst episode for awhile. =(

Thursday, August 12, 2004

The last two days have been OK

Kuma has been pretty good the last two days but we have been trying not to step on any toes. He is still quite weird about feeding time. I don't get it.

Also, I was cooking in the kitchen last night and I moved him with my foot because he was under my feet - he started to growl and snap. This has NEVER EVER happened when I have just gone to move him. It concerns me greatly. It didn't escalate - I just ignored him and he stopped - but still.

Today I stumbled upon someone having similar issues with their Shiba as we are having. I can't wait to talk to them - hopefully we can help eachother!

Monday, August 09, 2004

One step forward, two steps back

We've had a few good days with Kuma now. He had a mild episode a few days ago but since then things have been pretty good.

We've been warming him up to the idea of being in his crate during the day - putting him in there when we are here and what not. We've also been doing this with him in the kitchen since we will likely want to put him in there sometimes.

The other night, Kuma went in his kennel and sat down and stayed for about a minute - this may seem small but it's a huge step for him! Today, I left him for about an hour in his crate with a Kong (we haven't been using these much b/c of his episodes) and videotaped him. He did wonderfully! He didn't even bark when I left which is a HUGE step. He only did some whining - I didn't see any barks. There was no struggle (he really struggles against the gate when we put him in the kitchen). He just finished his kong... did some circles and laid down. He didn't even bark when I got home either - he actually stayed seated in his crate and watched me.

It is really great to feel like some progress is being made. Granted, if one of us leaves, he goes in a freenzy, but this is a good step!

Feeling good today.....UNTIL

Well, Kuma just had an "episode" while I was doing some easy training with him. It was moderate in severity.

Just when I thought it was a good day... That hurts my feelings.

OY! The emotions!